Which is the best for cancer treatment? Surgery or chemotherapyNuri Karadurmus¸ Ismail ErtürkDepartment of Medical Oncology, Gulhane Research and Education Hospital, Ankara, TurkeyDOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jons.2017.02.001 Sayfalar: 32 - 33 1262 Viewed.
Prognostic and predictive role of FOXP3 positive tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in curatively resected non small cell lung cancer other than stage IAFatih Kosea, Tuba Canbolatb, Alper Fındıkcıogluc, Ali Murat Sedefa , Yurday Ozdemird, Ayberk Besena, Huseyin Mertsoylua, Ozgur Ozyilkana, Huseyin Abalie,aBaskent University, Department of Medical Oncology, Adana, Turkey
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Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO): Only an enzyme or a checkpoint controller?Cemil Bilir, M.D. a , Can Sarisozen, PhD ba Sakarya University School of Medicine, Department of Medical Oncology, Turkey
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The assessment of incidental thyroid lesions on 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomogrophy: A single centre experienceEfnan Algin a , Aytug Uner b , Umit Ozgur Akdemir c , Ozge Gumusay d , Ozlem Kapucu c , Ahmet Ozet ba Department of Medical Oncology, Ankara Numune Education and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
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Comparative investigation of antitumoral effectiveness of Rho-kinase inhibitor Y-27632, pravastatin and atorvastatin in anaplastic thyroid cancer cell cultureErdinc Nayir a , Selver Cor b , Zuhal Mert Altintas c , Kansu Buyukafsar d , Rukiye Nalan Tiftik d , Alper Ata e , Ali Arican fa Department of Medical Oncology, Kahramanmaras Necip Fazil City Hospital, Kahramanmaras, Turkey
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Prognostic value of total lesion glycolysis in stage IIIB/IV non–small cell lung cancerBaran Yusufoglua, Cemil Bilirb, Hüseyin EngincaRecep Tayyip Erdo gan University, Clinic of Nuclear Medicine, Rize, Turkey
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Systemic chemotherapy of advanced soft tissue sarcomasMehmet Besiroglu a , Faysal Dane a , Aydin Ciltas b , Mustafa Benekli ca Department of Medical Oncology, Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
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EpCAM as a novel therapeutic target for hepatocellular carcinomaVasanthakumar S a , Sasikala P a , Padma M a , Balachandar V b , Venkatesh B b , Ganesan S aa PG & Research Department of Zoology & Biotechnology, A.V.V.M. Sri Pushpam College, Poondi, Thanjavur 613503, Tamil Nadu, India
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Homeopathy and cancerAhmet Unlu a , Onder Kirca b , Mustafa Ozdogan ba Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, Antalya, Turkey
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The hematological parameters in testicular cancerSelahattin Çalıskan , Selçuk Kaba, Emrah Ozsoy, Orhan Koca, Mehmet Akyüz, Metin Ishak OztürkHaydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Department of Urology, İstanbul, TurkeyDOI: 10.1016/j.jons.2017.10.002 Sayfalar: 117 - 119 1585 Viewed.
An extremely rare neoplasm, histiocytic sarcoma: A report of two cases with an aggressive clinical courseErkan Kayikcioglu a , Asim Armagan Aydin a , Arif Hakan Onder a , Alper Sayiner b , Dinc Suren b , Banu Ozturk aa Health Sciences University, Antalya Education and Research Hospital, Department of Medical Oncology, Antalya, Turkey
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